The Same But Different

SInce I switched to GoDaddy, WordPress has been very different on my Android phone with Chrome than it has on my Android tablet with Chrome.

On my phone, I type a post and press “Publish” and it takes me to a menu list of options frommwhich there seems to be no escape. To go back warns me that I’ll lose everything, and there’s no way forward.

I can’t comment on your blogs, because it tells me I must sigh in to Google. Which I am and have done again to no avail.

It actually can’t be GoDaddy, because it’s only my phone, not both devices. I installed Firefox and the symptoms were the same.

Weird. … Workin’ on it!

Have a great day!

3 thoughts on “The Same But Different

  1. I was having a similar issue. Blogger wouldn’t let comment under my Google account. Only anonymously or by entering a name and URL. Had to go into the browser settings on my phone and deselect “Prevent Cross-Site Tracking.”

    This was on an iPhone, however. And Blogger, not WordPress. But perhaps the solution might be similar.

    • Your advice led me to fix it. I selected “allow third party cookies” and it worked this morning! Thank YOU!

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