Not the other way around. Canada, to me, is superior in almost every way. Better land, better people who actually cooperate for the common good. Better government.
If the USA wants to take military action, I think Wisconsin should go to war and take over the upper peninsula of Michigan,

Why does Michigan get to be two states with the same name? Because of a bridge? No! The upper peninsula of what is now called “Michigan” is part of Wisconsin, not Michigan and never has been!
That’s what I say.
The United States has enough trouble with its enemies without the president elect alienating the allies.
As usual,.I woke up about 3AM. However, this morning I got up, and started reading my book. Before I knee it, it was 4:20 and my alarm goes off at 4:45! I was asleep when the alarm went off, and feel fine, but we’ll see how the day goes.
Have a great day!
I’ll just sit back, observe, and smile. I’m not so sure any of this is going to happen. I’ll pop some pop corn…. 😉
What about Wisconsin versus Michigan Upper Peninsula? That’s the real issue here!
Yeah… that’s what we need, war.
Good lord.