Random pictures, No thought, no theme no-thing

Vines taking over the vacant lot next door. There’s trees under there!

Guarding the eating cats, chickens steal their catfood otherwise.

Guarding the eating cats, chickens steal their catfood otherwise.

The Cat In The Plant. A famous childrens book title, isn’t it?
Have a great day!
It doesn’t take long for things to disappear under tropical vine growth. I think it The Cat in the Plant Pot you are thinking of.
I 20/20 hindsight, I should have taken a shot more to the right, the trees aren’t covered yet.
Cat In The Hat?
I would think the cats would scare the chickens away. The chicken probably shows up after the cats leave their bowl. Good photos of the cats eating and I like the one relaxing in the plant pot.
I would think that the cats would eat the chickens, but no. The chickens come and run the cats off.