it has been crazy windy for two days now. This morning the wind is warmer than it has been, so maybe calmness is in sight.
i dreamed last night I was a gangster in a shootout with other gangsters. It was a bloody dream. We were shooting wash other through the walls of a house, but I was up on a ladder so everyone was missing me. Not a pleasant dream.
Have a non windy day!
We have a few storms heading our way with some gusty winds and lots of rain. Tomorrow Storm Dudley arrives for a visit and then on Friday it will be Storm Eunice. We got all kinds of weather alerts for the next few days. It should be interesting.
I’ve been reading about the storms there, 90 mph winds. Sounds like it will be a rough next few days.
Be happy with the wind. We have a flood warning for tomorrow because of rain sleet and snow.
Stay safe stay dry!