Weird Dog Friday

Sheba started barking this morning about 4 AM. Never knew what she was barking at. Heard a faraway noise once, but didn’t know what it was. They were pulling like hell the whole walk, they wanted to go semewhere and check something out. Behind a fence a dog was barking/howling like I’ve never heard before. Started as a bark, that turned into a howl and lasted till the dog ran out of breath. Wish I was carrying my voice recorder…

Thursday coming up, Wife and I head to Costa Rica! Looking forward to this trip. We spend Thursday night in Ft Lauderdale.

Today is a small going away party for my old part time boss, Malcolm. He was a good boss. Our new boss seems pretty good too. The party is at Pizza Hut. I like their salad bar, my favorite on the island. And good pizza too. Malcolm’s heading back to the UK on the British Airways redeye tonight.

Pizza! Yeay!

My alarm went off at 4:45 this morning for the first time. It’s mo bettah!

Have a great weekend!