Chris asked yesterday, where the seeds were. Well, the short answer, is in the trees. Every year our Ceiba tree gets these seed pods that kind of look like bananas.

They start green then dry and turn brown and they are full of cotton fluff. When I hit them with the lawnmower, it creates an explosion of snow. A snowplosion.
In the back yard, we have a poinciana tree. They get these long seed pods that will actially stop the lawnmowers blade.

They fall as the tree loses its leaves, before it grows its orange summertime flowers.
Both trees produce plenty of mess for the yard, (Not complaning), and it makes mowing a hassle more of a hassle.
Chris also asked if Lenny misses Sheba. The short answer is yes. But the one who really misses Sheba, is Goldie.

They were best of friends. Goldie obviously misses Sheba, and doesn’t really like Lenny at all.
And yes, I’m ready for another dog. It doesn’t mean I love Sheba less, but I want another dog now. I’m afraid to bring it up with the wife so soon though.
Yesterday afternoon, at work, I thought it was Thursday for a minute. I was looking at some documents from the weekend, and thought, “These are from Sunday, why am I just getting them now?” Then I realized it wasn’t Thursday, it was Monday. That’s a sign of a baaaaaad Monday!
But now, it’s Tuesday, and the week is 20% done. I’ve noticed that the first five days after the weekend are the worst, then it’s not so bad!
Have a great day!
So you need to take Goldie when you go looking for your new friend.