Worldwide Toilet Paper Boycott Training Video

one square[jwplayer mediaid=”10169″]

Now that the worldwide toilet paper boycott is in full swing, I have prepared a training video to help you through these hard times. “How to wipe your butt using only one square of toilet paper”.

As you can imagine, I fear I may receive threats from the TP manufacturers over this, therefore this will be my last communication on this subject.

Good luck! Stay strong!

7 thoughts on “Worldwide Toilet Paper Boycott Training Video

  1. LOL they are going to be out to get you. Yikes think you better join Ed Snowden in Hong Kong. Operation Deep Undercover is in order immediately. Stay safe. Have a terrific Tuesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. i was truly afraid to watch. and now i’m truly afraid of you. and i shan’t be shaking your hand if i ever have the, er, pleasure of meeting you. 🙂

  3. I got your back. I happen to know all of the CEOs of the world wide Toilet paper manufacturers. If there is so much as a sqaure off quota….there will be death among them.

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