2020 Tomorrow

Last day of the year, last date in the decade. But it’s not the last day of the week, and I have to go to work Thursday.

I’m out on the back porch, Wife’s still sleeping, It’s cloudy and the tempurature reminds me of the first cool day near the end of summer in high school. You know, later in the morning, that it’s going to get hot, but you can feel a twinge of coolness in the morning. And there’s a quality of stillness.

2020 Tomorrow. I remember Y2K. Computers are going to blow up! Planes are going to drop out of the sky! I knew nothing would happen.

I’m rambling, just started the second cuppa coffee. Have a good 2020 and beyond!

2 thoughts on “2020 Tomorrow

  1. Happy New Year to you too.

    I enjoy reading your blog from here in Pennsylvania.

    Hope 2020 is a great year for you and your family.


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