Today is my birthday, I’m 48.
That’s old.
Rekkon I’m almost halfway through my life now. Probably closer to almost a third!
My plan is to live forever, so far, so good!

Also it’s Anduin’s BDay too. She’s a youngster still! Big Four-OHHHH~~!!!!!!!!!!!!

0 thoughts on “48

  1. Happy birthday! (I’m only a day late) I count backwards now on my birthdays and have for some time now. I should be hitting 21 any year now. LOLMy big fear is when the BIG birthday hits. I thought 40 was the big one, but that’s come and gone and I survived it. Now I dread the really BIG one. Good thing it’s not immediately right around the corner (although it feels like it is)

  2. Happy belated Birthday man! Age is relative – I often tell people I am a immature 15 year old stuck in 35-year old shell that feels like 70.Damn I’m a mess.