Stepped On The Cat

Went to go running this morning and my right shoe was hurting my foot. When I looked, I found a pretty large cut or scratch on the top of my foot. No idea how it got there. Number 1 suspect: Cat. I accidentially stepped on her, kinda, when coming out of the bathroom. I mean, c’mon, it’s her fault for laying on the floor right in front of the door, right? But normally, I carry a flashlight, and she lays in front of the door every morning when I get up, and I see her and we straightaway go get her some food. This morning, I forgot my light, and it’s my fault. She almost took me down1

Look atter! She’s sooo cute!

Well, It’s Monday. Not Really!Today s my first day back to work. Mom and sister left yesterday. Feels like Monday though. That’ll change tomorrow, when it’s Friday!

Have a nice Thursday!!