It was a good weekend. Deforested the jungle Mowed the lawn. Installed the new kitchen faucet that my wife ordered on Amazon. Looks good. Works. Doesn’t leak under the counter. She likes it.
Sunday I was getting ready to go to the beach, and a friend called and wanted to go diving. The remainder of this post will be pictures I took.

Anenome I can’t ever spell it without looking it up. too lazy to look it up.

My dive buddies, Hamish and Kelly, making out underwater!

My personal favorite of the dive.

King Neptune (At Lighthouse Point) Looks like he has half-a-beard and is smoking a pipe.
And now it’s back to work Monday. Yesterday, when I was thinking about this post, there was more I wanted to add, but can’t remember it now.
Have a great week!
Great pics!
Thank you PK!
“Doesn’t leak under the counter.”
No leaks is a major accomplishment when doing plumbing work.
That is my #1 priority!
And I just remembered this. I helped a friend gut and redo a bathroom. The plumbing had 44 solder joints. When we turned the water back on “ONE” of them had a small leak. My ‘friend’ was a little miffed at the leak. I wanted to smack him upside the head!
I don’t miss those days of soldered pipes!
I hope your coral is doing better than the coral here.
I was surprised, it seemed quite good and healthy!