Lat night I made meat loaf. Pounda hamburger, onion, three eggs, (two’d be better) and seasoning. Mush it all together, plop it in a pan, and bake for an hour at 300 degrees.
Identical to your meatball recipe, except that it’s just one giant meatball.
Sounds tasty (I like just about anything with onions). You’re one giant meatball. ;~)
I need to figure out how to do that vegetarian style. I miss meatloaf!!!
Sounds great. I add bread crumbs to mine. I make a ‘mean’ meatloaf myself. But I cheat….Lipton’s French Onion Soup Mix recipe. YUM YUM!
Oh yeah, I forgot the breadcrumbs, helps it stick together. I used two pieces of toast and cut it up.