
Yesterday, was our one year Anniversary at the new house. May 31 we moved out of the apartment, June 1 we woke up for the first time in the new house.

Today is our one month anniversary of being married. The wife said this first thing when I woke her up.
Yesterday I went snorkeling at lunch, here’s a couple of pics.


Elkhorn Coral

A rock

0 thoughts on “Anniversaries

  1. Wow…has it been a year already? I LOVE your underwater pics. I swear I’m gonna move to Key West or the Caymans one day. I loved doing that pseudo scuba diving called SNUBA. I didn’t think I would be able to go very deep cause I didn’t think I could clear my ears. But I could, and I loved it!

  2. How many people go snorkling at lunch?! That’s a sweet life!Nice pics Mark. Can’t believe it’s been a year for the house or even a month for your marriage…time flies.