Back to work.

Well, the dreaded day is here. Back to work. I have never worked anywhere that it is more difficult to go back after a vacation than here.
I feel pretty negative.
I dislike my boss’s usual snide insinuation that since I’ve been on vacation, I should be supercharged and want to work twice as hard now that I’m back. Like I should actually enjoy it when he screws me over. My life isn’t about work, it’s about my time off. Work is merely what I do for money to spend when I’m not working.
Hopefully, it won’t be as bad as I anticipate.

0 thoughts on “Back to work.

  1. Unfortunately it probably will be as bad as you anticipate. We’ll be thinking about you today you poor fella. chin up!

  2. It is always difficult to return to work after time off. And I just hate the way bosses make you feel like your life should be your job!!

  3. Hell yeah. I never understand why people would want to let their job become their life. I feel ya buddy. Hope it was an okay day! And that your boss kept his annoying remarks to himself!