I’m trying to automatically be nicer. I sometimes look and sound angry when i’m not. Sometimes when I see my reflection on the street i’m surprised that I don’t look how I feel. I look mean and angry sometimes, not all the time but sometimes. Sometimes i’m surprised. So i’m trying to be automatically nicer.

The problem is nobody listens to me until I get crabby, seems like. This morning, walking the dogs, I say politely “no pulling!” and they ignore me. I have to say it again loudly and gruffly to get results.
Sometimes when there’s trouble going on it seems like it will never end until I get display anger. Logically speaking, I might as well just just display anger immediately to end the crap.
I not unfrequently display anger.when i’m not angry,
Where’s the line? How can I be nice and polite and not have conflicts with others? I’m not asking the question properly. How do I be nicer all the time when my knee jerk reaction is sometimes aggressiveness?
Have a good day!