4 Day Weekend

Day one of the four day weekend starts with dick clouds and strong winds, and no rain. It is not going to rain no matter what, Seems like.

I’m still seeing a counselor about my divorce. But it not really about the divorce anymore.. My counselor said yesterday that my self-loathing undoes the therapy in between sessions. I recommended a lobotomy. Ha ha!

Have a great weekend!

Alternatives to crabiness?

I’m trying to automatically be nicer. I sometimes look and sound angry when i’m not. Sometimes when I see my reflection on the street i’m surprised that I don’t look how I feel. I look mean and angry sometimes, not all the time but sometimes. Sometimes i’m surprised. So i’m trying to be automatically nicer.

The problem is nobody listens to me until I get crabby, seems like. This morning, walking the dogs, I say politely “no pulling!” and they ignore me. I have to say it again loudly and gruffly to get results.

Sometimes when there’s trouble going on it seems like it will never end until I get display anger. Logically speaking, I might as well just just display anger immediately to end the crap.

I not unfrequently display anger.when i’m not angry,

Where’s the line? How can I be nice and polite and not have conflicts with others? I’m not asking the question properly. How do I be nicer all the time when my knee jerk reaction is sometimes aggressiveness?

Have a good day!

What Scale?

I have a friend in Grand Forks North Dakota USA. It’s mighty cold up there.. Of course, you can’t tell how cold with any internet weather sites. They don’t specify the scale they’re using. How unprofessional! How unscientific! Is it Kelvin? It it Centigrade? Who can tell?

its either -7⁰ or 19⁰ or 266⁰ but it might be -7⁰ or 14⁰ or 251⁰, perhaps -7⁰ or -251⁰ or -472⁰. Who can tell? They might be using any temperature scale. Nowhere does it specify the scale being used. The information is therefore worthless.

Very annoying.

Happy Friday !

Listen Inside

pics from the weekend above.

It was a long, satisfying weekend . Friday was a nice dinner out, Saturday was an invigorating day with a very challenging yoga class and then beach. Sunday was the usual beach yoga and breakfast and then I came home to meet and introduce a new pet sitter to my dogs.

I thought it would be fine to spend a lazy afternoon at home, And it was. I read and took a nap. But later in the afternoon, I started getting a little antsy. I stayed home, but in hindsight, it would have been ok to change my plans and gone out, for a late lunch or maybe take the dogs to the beach.

I realized that it’s sometimes ok to change a plan, AND I learned that I have been somewhat inflexible, especially with myself (nobody else does what I want anyway! HaHa!). Once I make a decision or plan, I tend to not consider that I can change my mind….

Interesting minor revelation.

Happy Monday , have a fantastic week!

Friday Post 2

its Friday and I’m very glad. I feel much better today than yesterday.

I was having problems with my bank, but got it sorted. Now I’m ready for an overly busy weekend..

Im running late this morning so I’ll talk to you later!

Have a great weekend!

Writing Prompt

Found this on Twitter. It might be fun to write about! 5 pages by hand in pen?

Stayed up late last night, tired this morning. Late leaving home for work, late posting my post.

Very happy and content.

Have a great day!

2 in a row!

Below is this mornings sunrise, because the pic makes the post!

I slept good again last night, 2wo in a row. Can it be as simple as not laying on my back? Will it last? Below is the sleep tracking from my watch, I barely woke up at all, usually I’m up a dozen times or two.

I’m excited, going to work today,. (That’s quite possibly the most insane sentence ever typed on this blog) I don’t know why that’s exciting. Hopefully I can swim at lunch, got a lady cleaning the apartment and she’s doing a really good job She started yesterday and will finish today.

Things are looking good! Have a great day!

Twas A Great Weekend!

It was a great weekend! Friday i went to a birthday party. It was very nice. I even danced a little and wanted more!

I think the whole weekend seems longer if you go out Friday night.

All day Saturday it felt like Sunday, and Sunday felt like an extra day off. Both S- days (Saturday and Sunday) were full of yoga classes, beach and food and friends. I stayed busy and had a good time. The beach was nice but the waves were big and there was sargassum, but it was still excellent at the beach.

i feel like today is going to be a very good day too!

Hope your day is great!

Back To Work After Discovery Day.

I went diving yesterday pretty uneventful. But it was a nice dive Below are a few pics.

I oiled this old table with Teak Oil, also, it came out pretty good. And the wood really loves it. The stains are still visible through the oil. It was a lot of work, getting all the nooks and crannies. This table folds to half a table, a whole table or no table at all for storage! I also did some housecleaning.

It was a good, satisfying weekend. I don’t mind having to go back to work today.

i wish you a beautiful day!

Fantastic Weekend

Saturday was an 800 Meter Sea Swim. I did’t swim well, I went way off course, but it was still good. Saturday evening, I went to the movies and sau A Man Called Otto. Loved it. Complimented the book.

Sunday saw me go to an early morning yoga class, which left me feeling great, followec by coffee on the beach at the Westin and then a scuba dive.

I planned on house cleaning and yaard work after that but took a nap and did very little cleaning. I went to bed early and don’t think I woke up once all night, except 4 minutes before the alarm, and I went right back to sleep.

And now it’s back to work, and I’m actually looking forward to it.