Another record-breaker

I woke up this morning, I cleaned my outside cabinet. It looks a lot better in there. My dog caught a salamander, I made him let him go. My dog got to keep its (the newts) tail. I have a lot of scuba weights that I’m going to give to the dive shop. If the conditions look good, I might dive.
Right now I’m typing one-handed, I’m eating strawberries, papaya, mango and honey-dew melon.
This is another record-breaking-level-of-boredom post.

0 thoughts on “Another record-breaker

  1. I’ll trade you a piece of cheesecake for some fresh strawberries. Yum!You may not believe this (or you may) but when I was a teen I used to love catching salamanders. Yes, I am the same one that screams at the sight of a spider or lady bug.