Picture of West Bay, Grand Cayman from the air whilst flying from Costa Rica to Miami on May 16, 2014
It’s not a holiday here, it’s a working day. Definitely don’t feel like going into work today.
I had a good weekend, Friday I got home around 4, (my flight arrived at 2:30, not 12:30, like I thought). Saturday I mowed the yard and unpacked, Sunday I went to the beach. Six days till the wife comes home!
Have a good week and enjoy your day off, if you have one.
Sorry it is not a holiday day for you but hope all is well at work and have a good day.
Best wishes Molly
I have every day off so a holiday means nothing. Welcome home.
One thing I always hated after a long weekend or a vacation was having to go back to work. Wrecked everything.
lovely place where you live.