Although I predicted rain, yesterday turned out to be a really nice day, and I spent most of it at the beach.
Then, when I was feeding the cats in the afternoon, up strolled a newcomer. We’ve seen this one before, he is Big Tom*. BTK is the mother of all our cats (‘cept herself, of course), Big Tom* is suspected to be the father. He looks in pretty good shape, I think he has a nice home somewhere.
Below is a picture of Al Bina especially for Yellowdog Granny, because I know she especially likes Al Bina. She’s always in the yard, hunting and sneaking around. She has dirt in her eyes and dirt in her nose and dirt in her ears. I think she thinks she’s a boy cat. (Al, not Yellowdog Granny!)
* The name “Big Tom” has NOT been approved by The Wife and therefore may be subject to change in the future. MarkD60 and/or any of his affiliates cannot be held responsible or liable for any confusion this may cause.
I find it very tender Albina !!!!!!!!!
sigh*..she looks like my Rocky and Little Rock..look at that chewed ear..haahh
She had her ear notched so people would know shes been captured and fixed.
I love the "disclaimer" at the end because it's true, I haven't approved the name just yet, although I kidda like it already!
I just might have to move there…