2011 Underwater Film Festival

Last night The Wife and I went to the 2011 Underwater Film Festival at the Westin. There were about four really good underwater videos shown.
My favorite was the video on the wreck of the SS President Coolidge , which sank in WW2 in Espiitu Santo, Vanuatu.
There was another that was French that was several “actors” doing skits underwater, with no scuba gear on. It was pretty good too, but I thought it was a bit long.
Also there was a very good vid about IMAX movies and Great White Sharks. Those sharks are the coolest looking sharks.
It was a good evening, tonight is the annual induction in the Scuba Diving Hall of Fame, but we won’t be attending that.
I think there’s some weather coming, or something is going on. It was getting cloudy last night and rained a little, and I think it’s going to rain more. I hope not. Cool wind coming from the north.

4 thoughts on “2011 Underwater Film Festival

  1. The Underwater Festival sounded really great. Did they have a slide show of underwater shots? That's what I think would be great. Did they have venders selling the latest diving equipment that you drooled over?? …debbie

  2. Underwater films are one of my favorites to watch. I've always been fascinated with the sea, ocean creatures and sunken shipwrecks. One of my favorite books as a child was "The Sea Wolf".Mark, you are right about the butterflies…but, I found out it was a wax moth invasion and had to revise my post.I never heard about the metal wrapped around trees against rats and it makes sense. That does give me an idea for growing corn next time. Glad you mentioned that on my post. For now, foil is all I have. Anyway…the film festival sounds like it would have been fun to go to.

  3. There was not a lot of photos scuba gear, just a silent auction on some books and dive packages.I'll try and take some pics of some metal wrapped trees.

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