Big Time Screw Up

Yesterday, at the Agriculture Show, our sound sucked. I was using a cell phone to send the signal back to the station, and there was a problem with the equipment there, as well as a problem with the audio feed I was getting from the AgriShows stage.

There was a horrible distorted echo at the beginning, for the most important parts of the broadcast, the opening ceremoy and all the speeches by all the politicians.
My cell phone was ringng like crazy, everyong saying ” sounds like shit” I need to record this and it’s not gooe enough” “The other station sounds crystal clear”, and more.
Talk about stress and that sick-in-the-stomach feeling!
In my own defence, I was calling the studio for a solid half hour before and was getting no answer because the announcer was “out”. And although I can’t blame the announcer in any way, But because they were not answering the phone, I didn’t get to do a good sound check on the line from the stage that was giving problems.
It was really bad, that first half hour. The other three and a half, by comparison, weren’t too bad. 30899

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