Biker Dude

I rented a free bicycle from my hotel and rode down here to my secret WiFi place. It’s weird, because the restaurant/bar where it is located is closed, I’m sitting here at an empty outdoor bar, with a pool. All closed, nobody here but me. It’s a pity, ’cause I have some money I’d like to spend on something to drink and a great big ‘ol steak. Also because it is a great pool and bar. I usually eat here every trip.
MY hotel charges $15 an hour for internet access. but they let you use a bike for free.
Today I did my two broadcasts and got to spend a little time by the pool afterwards. Tomorrow is the last broadcast at 11 AM, then the flight is about 6 PM. So there’s some free time there. I want to explore this seemingly inaccessable part of the island I found a few trips ago.

About my previous post. I’ve been asking myself why I publicise that shit here. The answer is because I want to hear what people have to say about it. I was kind of disappointed to have zero comments! Sheesh! At least You guys are polite enough to not say you think I really AM a freak to my face! (I knew it already)

I took a lot of pics today but none really for postng here. they’re of my co-workers broadcasting and not my blogtype photos.

0 thoughts on “Biker Dude

  1. Too late & I’m too delirious to put anything terribly meaningful… but let me just say that I relate. I can be really sociable, but very often tend to be a hermit and feel very shy and awkward in party-type situations. Just know there are lots of girls out there who appreciate a guy who’s caring, and good 1-on-1. 🙂

  2. I think since it was the weekend that is why you didn’t have comments on your previous post. For whatever reason people don’t seem to blog surf as much on the weekends as they do during the week. I’ve never been a bar fly/party type of person either. I get shy in crowds. I think alot of us are 1 on 1 type of people. And there is nothing wrong with that. Free bike but $15 an hour for internet access? WTF?

  3. I don’t like parties either. I would rather sit with a few people I know and talk about old times or listen to funny stories. Putting myself out there is way out of my comfort zone.

  4. Just because no one else commented on your previous entry, I did. So there!How terribly sad that there’s a bar that is closed and it’s on the beach. Sigh. What is this world coming to?

  5. ShooShoo, I’ve been worried about you because of your last post on your blog. I’ve been looking for a follow-up and hope you’re doing OK.Daisy, Yes 25 cents a minute to use the internet cafe! So I took the free bike and rode down to the free internet spot, mind you, it’s just an unsecured WiFi I sit by the road or on the porch!Anduin, Thanks for always sticking up for me! You’re always on my side!Carnealian, yes, apparently they close for the month each September, it’s kind of slow tourist wise. Actually there’s condo between the bar and the beach, so it’s maybe a 30 second walk, too far!!thanks everybody, I feel less alone because of your comments. Blogging is good, I could never comfortably assk these questions to so many people in “Real Life”