Blasting off!

This morning the alarm went off and I lazily reached over and pressed the snooze. I was dozing off and the realization suddenly HIT me! I’ve got a beach walk today! So I got up, shaved, showered made coffee, walked the dog, Got dressed, (not quite in that order!) and now am typing this.. In a few minutes I blast off, out the door for the beginning of a nonstop action packed weekend. (Too bad the action will be boring!)
After the beach walk,I go to work. Then fly to the other island for more work tonight. Lets see… what am I doing tomorrow? Working! and Sunday.. Um..trying to think… Oh yeah, Working then too! Just in time, I’ll make it back for the workweek on Monday!
Hopefully I will ba able to post more this weekend. I think so. And it won’t be all bad, I will have some time off there on Cayman Brac, hopefully!
So in case I don’t see Ya! Good morning, good afternoon, good evening!
Have a fun and safe weekend!