Boxing Day Fail

It’s Boxing Day, that day after Christmas when you take all your empty boxes to the curb for the Garbage Man to pick up. Well, this morning, I was in bed about 5:45 and heard the “BWEEP! BWEEP! BWEEP!” of the garbage truck reversing down our street. I jumped up and and ran outside in my jammies to get the can to the curb, but I didn’t make it. You’re probably shocked and appalled, but despite the disgustingness and unforgivablilty of the situation, I’m going to try my best to not let it ruin my Boxing Day, and I can only hope you will not let my MAJOR faux pas diminish your opinion of me.
Yesterday was nice. It was my Brother-In-Laws (hereinafter referred to as BRINLAW) birthday, and he had a birthday brunch at Tukka, a restaurant on East End. I assure you that I have no idea why, but it seemed a lot of people were out and about, apparently celebrating my BRINLAWs BDay as well.

The Foyer of Tukka.

BINLAW, back center
After that, The Wife and I ran home for a quick nap, and then went to my main dive buddys house for dinner. Their daughter and I behaved perfectly normally and acted totally natural.

By the way, she’s a famous rock star, but I can’t tell you who here, because she’s too famous.
Then this morning I was walking the dawgs, with my camera, and, thinking myself the artistic photographer I’m not, tried tried to take some meaningful still life type artsy photos with the theme of ‘Bicycles’..

Bicycle with building construction and decay.

Bicycle Man and Horse (The Horses name is Paloma)
I hope you had a great holiday weekend!

5 thoughts on “Boxing Day Fail

  1. Loved the man walking Paloma on his bicycle!! The Bicycle and old building was good!! Looks like everyone had a great time at the Birthday Party!! Sorry you missed the garbage…how come you didn't take it out the night before??? lol…debbie

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