Brac Saturday

I’m on Cayman Brac again, for the Sister Islands Agriculture Show. LAst night I had to record a public meeting for future broadcast. It started at 8 and went till midnight. It was supposed to start at 7:30 and I was there early, like about 6:30. I was really tired and a little annoyed by the time it was done. It was supposed to be 7:30-9:30.

Today I just hope I can get a good signal over the phone line back to Grand Cayman. That’s all I hope for today.

0 thoughts on “Brac Saturday

  1. sorry your meeting went so long, but just think; you could be here in the bloody Midwest where our temps are 8 degress today, and even lower with the wind chill.What time does the next plane leave for the Caymans? I wanna be on it!!!