Our cat, BTK (pronounced beeteekee) Seems to feel fine, but hre belly has swollen as big as a honeydew melon. This morning, when I fed them (we have 5 outdoor cats) I grabbed her and put her in a kennel to take to the vet today. I made her an appointment yesterday.) I know it’s for her own good, but I hope she’s not mad at me when we get back home. I also hope there’s not much wrong with her that a simple pill or shot won’t fix.

BTK is the mother of most of our cats, probably about 12 years old. She was always so good to her children, letting them have her food after they ate all theirs, even when they got older. My mentor for keeping an even temper. I’ll be glad when I get her home, safe and healthy.
It’s FRIDAY! Yeay!Have a good weekend!
Hope everything is fine with BTK. A vet trip can cause the cat or any animal to be nervous which you already know.
Regarding your question on my photo, cars are not allowed in to that area. The only ones I ever seen are maintenance trucks when they are doing work on the trail.
I wish your picture showed the other side of the creek!
Thanks for your concern about BTK.
I hope all turns out alright. I know from having my own pets, they are deeply loved. I can imagine how worried you are.
Thank you sir!
Good luck on it not being serious (and expensive).
Turns out, yes to both. 🙁
Oh Bugger… serious and expensive! I just hope she’s not in too much pain.