Busy week

Yesterday I was so busy I didn’t have time to unpack my laptop, let alone post or email. Today will be the same, except I am taking time to post. The house is coming along, they finished the tile yesterday and hopefully the cabinets and counters will go in before the end of the week. The railings and doors are on and it looks almost done!!

The house, with railings and doors

The kitchen, with tile started.

0 thoughts on “Busy week

  1. They are so fast with it. I can’t believe the amount of progress with each picture. It’s an awesome house. Color me green with jealousy. (or scurvy)

  2. My first visit here; found you via your comment at Graven Images.What a gorgeous house!I’d love to live at the beach. That’s our longterm goal — a year-round beach home…=) Stepher

  3. I love how it’s up high off of the ground like that. What a great perspective you’ll have looking out your windows. It’s coming along nicely.