I look at these pics, and notice they are strangely devoid of people. Let me assure you there were lots of people there, I just took my pics before the show opened. There were a lot more there than I took pictures of too, there was lots of food and booths with people selling all kinds of things.

(I asked a dancing girl for 2 favors, 1:Can I borrow your hat and sunglasses, and 2: will you take my picture wearing them.)
It was a good time at the Brac Agriculture Show. We had pretty good quality on the broadcast too!
"a dancing girl?" what kind of agriculture show was this exactly?
I'm not so sure you suit pink……
It was a high school dancer.Yes, when she took the pink pic, I thought I'd make it my profile pic, but as it turns out, I really don't like it at all.