Disturbing Images

I just woke up from a dream telling myself I am not worth shit. My life is going down the tubes. And it’s what I deserve. I feel like I’m the only one in this situation.

I’m not even in a bad situation, yet. Although my situation is not sustainable, I have enough in the bank to last for a year, even if I make nothing for that year.

I seem to have a personality that tends to dwell in the past, and that is something I must fight.

4 thoughts on “Disturbing Images

  1. No, You aren't the only one. But, you might have to get out there and beat the bushes for a good job with benefits. If your not happy in your current money situation, you can change it. If there are no jobs on the Island, maybe it's time to move somewhere. Of course, it might be the same there too. Gotta do some homework I guess. Retirement isn't that far away…debbie

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