Dragonfly Rescue

Yesterday, as I was closing the windows and doors, getting ready to depart for work, I noticed a huge tail on the window screen. My first thought was that it was a gecko, but it turned out to be a large and beautiful dragonfly. I couldn’t leave him between the screen and the glass all day so I tried to rescue him. Thankfully I was successful and I let him go on the back porch. I was afraid that he would be easily damaged in the wings but he made it OK. He hopped right into the cup.

Tonight is movie night at the Westin hotel. The movie is Mission Impossible. I’m going, but I’ll probably be late because I have an optometrist appointment at 5 PM. Who ever heard of an optometrist appointment at 5 PM? Ridiculous. Middle of the night. Then I have to come home and walk the dogs before I can go to the movie. But I plan on being there!

Have a good day!

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