Every Swear Word on Every Episode of the Sopranos, Ever, in Chronological Order. (video)

I didn’t make it through the whole thing, but I think it’s funny! Don’t click it if you can’t handle the F-Word!

3 thoughts on “Every Swear Word on Every Episode of the Sopranos, Ever, in Chronological Order. (video)

  1. Umm I hate to see the 0 zillion so I am commenting. I did not watch the swear words. There are already too many on tv to listen to that many all at once. So what have you been up to with the missus gone?

  2. Sorry this really made me laugh! I laughed even more when I heard a 'different' word from the "F#@ken" and "shi#" ! Seems the people who wrote the Sopranos only knew two bad words!

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