Final UW Photos (for a while)

Went diving yesterday, my camera flooded. I think it got whacked in the port by my regulator while I had it clipped on.
I got the photos off the memory card, but the camera and housing are both goners. I’m highly disappointed. At one point I had 3 underwater cameras, but I lost one, because a clip broke, the airlines lost one, as you may recall. And all I had left was my oldest 2.1 megapixel camera, with high sentimental value.
Next to last photo I took with my good ol’ UW camera

The wreck at Sunset House

A fish checking us out

The Mermaid.

My broken port, (click to see the crack in the lens)

4 thoughts on “Final UW Photos (for a while)

  1. Oh, how desperately disappointing. I know it's irreplaceable, but I do hope you are insured? A little like the family heirloom I recently lost, no amount of money can compensate for the sentimental loss, but at least you might be able to cheer yourself a little shopping for a new one?I adore that image of the mermaid you captured.

  2. Ouch. So sorry about your camera. Bummers. Don't you just hate it when a camera goes kaput?! The only one I have is a cheapo (without a viewfinder)bought here in Grenada last year and wouldn't you know it…the screen went blinko just a few days after the one year warranty. They want to charge me more to have it fixed than the price paid for, so I've been taking photos for my blog just guessing where to aim the camera. Takes about 10 tries for each good (er…half-way decent) photo. Such is life.Oops, sorry for such a long comment. Your diving photos up top are great, though. Love the colors.

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