First Day In Costa Rica

We made it last night Ok. Not much problems, an hour late leaving Miami but no biggie. We had a nice shopping day yesterday. I got some new shoes and a new SD card for my camera, my old one was broken in half, I had fixed it with epoxy. (Thank you miniature/microminiature electronic repair course!) It was working fine, but I wanted a new High Speed card that video would write to fast enough. If you go back and look at a video post of rain I took some time ago, you can see “jumps”, that’s because the card could not accept the data from the camera fast enough and loses some data. I shouldn’t have that problem with my new Sony HD capable SD card.

Flying from Miami to Costa Rica, I saw Grand Cayman from the air. I tried to get some pictures, but dangit, I can’t maneuver a round my camera controls quick enough. This is my best shot:

You can see the hammerhead of West Bay on the left, I can’t explain the blurring around George Town.

It is nice and cool here. Like the perfect weather. Sleeping was good last night under heavy blankets. Today we have nothing on the schedule, pick some strawberries, and that’s about it. Tomorrow night is the Elton John concert! I think we are all excited about that! I predict the first song will be Benny and the Jets. My Father-In-Law said it was the first time he bought concert tickets online. That’s another thing that’s worsened with time, I remember the good ‘ol days, when you had to go to the ticket outlet early to be there when tickets went on sale to get really good seats. That was a party in itself and a lot of fun. I remember the thrill of having good seats and all your friends were admiring you because of your dedication and the anticipation of what a great time you were going to have at the concert. I remember being with our great floor seats up close before the show, and we could look around the arena and see my friends up there in the nosebleeds, and my other friends over there, and that group over there… And reversely, being in the nosebleeds and seeing my friends down there on or near the front row. Because we all knew where each other were sitting. Those were good times!

We have good seats up close on the side for tomorrow.

Internet access is new and improved at the In-Laws house, and I predict no problems posting from here. While we were in the USA yesterday, there was no internet as usual, unless you wanted to pay $10 an hour at the airport.

Anyway, have a good day! Tomorrow is Friday!
Concert Day!

4 thoughts on “First Day In Costa Rica

  1. Have a fantastic time (of course, it sounds like you already are doing that!). I saw Elton John in San Juan and it was a brilliant show; I know you'll love it.

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