This weekend I played my first pickleball games. It was fun but i got my butt whooped. I’d shoot these high, arcing lobs into the sky and my opponent would fire back a bullet. I’d return the ball, easy target arc and he’d fire another bullet. He was standing in the middle of the court while I was running crazily back and forth and all over.
It was fun and I can’t wait to do it again!
Below is a few pics of the Pickleball club.

It was a good weekend!
Now it’s Monday . The thought crossed my mind to call in sick, but no.. Someone has to hold the planet together!
Have a great week!
I was wondering if there were people that played for keeps. So many of the videos I see promoting pickleball are just friendly people lobbing the ball back and forth.
I had a friend tell me they play and don’t keep score. Hopefully I’m playing with them Wednesday!