First times

Yesterday I went to the beach for lunch hour, there were these kids riding these skimming boards, hydroplaning on a fraction of an inch of water. I’ve seen it a lot of times, but yesterday I had my camera. It looks like fun, but I’d be worried about the board shooting out from under my feet and whacking some old lady in the ankle. (once I broke the glass of my Moms china cabinet with a skateboard, skateboarding indoors). Another thing I see a lot are shoes that have one wheel in the heel. That looks like fun too, and maybe I wouldn’t kill myself. I wonder if they come in my size?

I notice is that I complain a lot. For example, I complain about studying, but when I am actually studying, I enjoy it. It seems that when I’m not, I remember wrong, that I don’t like it.

Weird, huh?

The OI Girl and I have the weekend off. I can’t ever remember this happening before. Today we plan on riding our bikes and hopefully going to the beach. We’ve never ridden our bikes together either, (but we HAVE been to the beach)!

0 thoughts on “First times

  1. Kia Ora from down under in New Zealand. I was surfing the blog world when your blog popped up. You have some great photos, worth sharing so I have mentioned your blog on my blog Around The World In 80 Blogs

  2. My kids have those shoes with the wheel in the heel. They’re called Heelies, and I’m thinking they don’t come in adult sizes. I love where you live. I’d take up windsurfing on that beautiful water if I lived there, since there doesn’t seem to be many waves?

  3. Hey Mark! The thing with complaining is we all do it. So don’t sweat it kay? Enjoy your day and bike riding, maybe you’ll even do some board skimming together? LOL! I would be terrified, even without the bad skateboarding indoors memory. Hope you have a great weekend! Ciao!