Just in time for Monday!

Here I am again at work. I had a great Saturday, it was sunny and nice. I took the OI Girl to the secret beach with the secret cave. Sunday morning, I got up to study and walked the dawg and saw a bank of clouds coming over. It stayed cloudy all day Sunday, and rained. We didn’t even leave the house all day.
This morning I walked the dog at 4 and it was all cloudy, at 5:30 I walked him again and it was clear.
Just in time for Monday!

0 thoughts on “Just in time for Monday!

  1. I want to go to the secret beach with the secret cave too!!! The shoes you were talking about in the previous post that have the wheels in the heels that you can use at will, do come in adult sizes. They sell them at a kisok in one of the malls here. The granddaughter has a pair (of course). I don’t have a pair yet because I’m not fond of broken bones.

  2. Ditto on the secret beach and cave thing! ^^Cloudy or not, i can’t imagine Cayman to be a bad place to be. Looking at the pic in the post below – wow. the water is soooo blue and clear. i so need a vacation.