God Bless North East Australia

Captured: Wednesday 2 February 2011 01:30 UTC
As I type this, Queensland, Australia is getting whacked by Severe Tropical Cyclone Yasi, a category 4 or maybe 5 typhoon.
This is a very strong storm, the news says it is stronger than anything in the memory or “recent generations” and may destroy even “Cyclone proof” homes with sustained winds of 300 kilometers per hour. That’s about 186 miles per hour. Winds may gust up to 40% higher than the sustained peak. That’s gusts of 420 Kilometers per hour, or about 260 miles per hour.
Plus, being a continent, and not a small island, there are tsunamis probable. With an island, the water can go around the land, on a continent, the water has no where to go but ashore. To me this storm looks like it’s going to be really really bad.

This picture forecasts the storm coming ashore as a category 5.

I hope Australia makes it through with amazingly little damage and minimal deaths. I’ll be thinking about them. I have been through several hurricanes, here in Cayman and in Hawaii. Mainly Ivan and Ewa. There is nothing that can compare to the power of a hurricane.
Click HERE for the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology.

0 thoughts on “God Bless North East Australia

  1. Wow, its amazing how unaware and seemingly uncaring we Americans are. Its very sad. I'll be praying for our Australian friends.

  2. G'day! Message from Queensland! We are all safe and sound from Yasi. A lot of damage but only 1 loss of life of a young man who was bunkered down in a room with no ventilation with a generator running. Thought he was doing the right thing but turned out tragic. Thanks for everyones concern!