Western Australia Mystery Object

I’ve been to Western Australia, I’ve been to Bunbury, about an inch south of Perth on the map.This object was found in Green Head, about three inches north of Perth on the map. You can read more about it HERE.

I like weird things like this. I’ll be following up on it. I’m sure this particular object is a spaceship and there are aliens inside. Finally.

Happy birthday to my Grandfather, Damon E Grim. Born 18 Jul 1895, died in 1976. My favorite relative of all.

Havva Happy Tuesday !

Cyclone Gabrielle – New Zealand

Cyclone Gabrielle hit New Zealand yesterday and New Zealand has declared a National Emergency for only the third time ever

I have a couple friends there that I’ll be calling later. (7AM here is 1AM there)

Cyclone Gabrielle is now forecast to pass over the Great Barrier Reef, east of Australia. It gets warmer and warmer as one heads north, so Gabrielle may get stronger and stronger.

Something to keep an eye on.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

The Protector

I woke up last night at the usual time, middle of the night. I felt the panic attempt to grab me but I evaded it. I can’t really describe what happened. I could feel it rising and I don’t want to say I pushed it back down but it advanced then inexplicably retreated. Normally I am unsuccessful at any attempts to control my “night madness” and I was pleased and relieved to have a hiatus.
However, my assignment was to examine the panic and determine what it is that grasps me in the middle of the night every night. I know what it is in a way, fear and aloneness. But that is too vague. I must identify (and alleviate?) the roots.

This morning, thinking about it, I remembed ‘the protector’.
My other assignment, which I had forgotten, was to identify and observe “the protector”. (I had asked if I was possibly schizophrenic when the protector was described to me) When things that I want to look at run away to avoid being examined, that is “my protector” protecting me. It thinks it’s protecting me from things it thinks are too painful for me to look at.
This morning I tried to examine the fear and the protector hid it from me. I admit at the time that I was pleased the fear went away but this morning I realized that that was not the objective. It was not doing me any favors.
We’ll see what happens tomorrow.. I’m ready to enter the haunted house.

In the meantime, I am in a great mood today, for which I am thankful, and, it’s my Friday! (Remember, Thursdays and Fridays off, rest of the year!)

But, more importantly, in the news, Scientists have found clitorises on female snakes. It wasn’t necessarily that it was elusive – rather, scientists weren’t really looking for it.

Have a GREAT day!!

Shark Attacks & Figure Skaters

Shark attack in Australia, first fatality in 60 years. Read an article HERE. Now they’re going to be culling sharks. Like they’re going to find the guilty party and give him a trial. .

The little girl in the Olympics for doping fell twice during her competition. She was devastated. But did she get any comfort from her staff? “Chilling” was the way her treatment was described. She’s a little girl. What’s wrong with the adults on this planet?

I think I woke up crabby this morning. But it’s Friday! Have a great weekend!

New Dinosaur

New Dinosaur discovered in Australia!

Scientists in Australia have classified a new species of dinosaur, discovered in 2007, as the largest ever found on the continent.

The Australotitan cooperensis or “the southern titan”, is among the 15 largest dinosaurs found worldwide.

.That’s from the BBC, Read it HERE..

it’s looking like it’s going to be a nice day. It’s been raining almost every day for about a week.

Have a good day!

I Now Believe Global Warming Is Real


When we were at (and on) the Athabasca Glacier, there were photos that showed the glacier receding over the years. My brother in law in Drake Bay, Costa Rica, last night was telling my wife about his colleague/associate/acquaintance has been measuring the decline in the numbers of frogs and snakes in the rainforests. When I got certified to scuba dive in 1981, we’d see sharks on practically every other dive, often groups of sharks. Now, seeing a shark is rare, one in ten or more dives.

Glacial decline has been measured since the 1850’s, (according to an article on Wikipedia), so I’m not sure it’s all humans fault, but I think humans main power is destructive and we need to change. I remember a book I read years ago, “Mutant Message Down Under”, and ask, Which society is more advanced? One that lives in a place 10,000 years, and you can’t even tell they were ever there? Or a society that practically destroys it’s environment with pollution and war in 250 years?

I think the answer is obvious.

Today is my first day back at work since my vacation. blah. Why do I have to go work to get money to buy a fish for dinner when I could just go out and get the fish myself. Because I also have to pay for my house and the bills. The whole system of money has something inherently wrong with it.

Weekend Haps!

It was a good weekend, and way too short.
On a cold and dreary Saturday, we went to a little girls 5th birthday party. It was an incredible amount of fun, and I am sure the water was warmer than the air.





Every single picture I took is incredible, seems to me. Little kids are perfect beings. I had the warm fuzzies all day.

Sunday I studied for my real estate test, which apparently I was supposed to take last week. I was planning on going to the USA last week and told the lady, but I guess there was some mis-communication. I think I have lost my interest in real estate.,,

Also we went out and watched every team I like lose at American Football. Except Cincinnati and Seattle, they won. Redskins played good but lost anyway.

And now we are at a Monday morning. We’ll see what happens!

We have a hostage situation in Australia, some Muslim kid took hostages at a cafe and that’s been going on for about 12 hours. Flying a home made ISIS flag, asking for a real one. Idiot.

Have a good week!

God Bless North East Australia

Captured: Wednesday 2 February 2011 01:30 UTC
As I type this, Queensland, Australia is getting whacked by Severe Tropical Cyclone Yasi, a category 4 or maybe 5 typhoon.
This is a very strong storm, the news says it is stronger than anything in the memory or “recent generations” and may destroy even “Cyclone proof” homes with sustained winds of 300 kilometers per hour. That’s about 186 miles per hour. Winds may gust up to 40% higher than the sustained peak. That’s gusts of 420 Kilometers per hour, or about 260 miles per hour.
Plus, being a continent, and not a small island, there are tsunamis probable. With an island, the water can go around the land, on a continent, the water has no where to go but ashore. To me this storm looks like it’s going to be really really bad.

This picture forecasts the storm coming ashore as a category 5.

I hope Australia makes it through with amazingly little damage and minimal deaths. I’ll be thinking about them. I have been through several hurricanes, here in Cayman and in Hawaii. Mainly Ivan and Ewa. There is nothing that can compare to the power of a hurricane.
Click HERE for the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology.