Good Morning Monday JULY FIRST!

It is July, a Monday and a holiday.. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. To my perception, the first half of the year has always gone by faster than the second half of the year. So now it’s time for things to slow down a bit.
I am really thick headed this morning. I was dreaming when I woke up, and I don’t even know what or why I woke up.


Took a pic of my bleary-eyed self with the Nexus Camera, ’cause the pic makes the post!

When I was making coffee, first I forgot to put in the coffee, then I forgot to put in the water. I fed the chickens, cats and dogs and walked the dogs, who did not poop. (They never poop anymore, it seems.) And now I’m on my second cup of coffee.

And that’s it for today, The Wife is working and I’m doing laundry and maybe mowing.


7 thoughts on “Good Morning Monday JULY FIRST!

  1. wow..I just noticed how much you look like my dearly departed friend Chuck..He lived in Hawaii, and was a big scuba enthusiast and was sort of stoic..but I could make him laugh till he cried..

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