Good news and bad

I went diving yesterday and it was great! It seemed like everyone was hiding on this dive. I took a lot of pics and here’s a few:

click to enlarge

the eel was hiding in his hole

the Boxfish was hiding behind a piece of coral and I spent 5 minutes playing roun de round with him to get the shot.

and the green and red fish was hiding behind the elephants ear (orange) sponge.

The bad news is that a good friend of mine was killed in a car crash. She is the Carnival girl who was in my November post from Pirates week. Her picture is here. A couple of years ago, she was also the hostess of the talk show I do every Wednesday. I knew her really well and just saw her on Thursday and talked to her for a long time. She was looking for a job and I talked to her about getting one in our sales department. She told me about her boyfriend. It was her boyfriend who was speeding and ran into a parked car. She was one of the most perfect people anyone could ever imagine, only about 17 years old. It is a real tragedy.

0 thoughts on “Good news and bad

  1. Mark I am so sorry about your friend. My son lost one of his school friends a couple of weks ago. He was 17, seems unfair for live to be cut so short. Your pics are awesome. I hope you don’t mind if I share them with my class. They will be so excited when I tell them they were made by a friend of mine.

  2. That’s so sad about you friend. And such a young, beautiful woman. She must have done her work here and was needed elsewhere.Your pictures as always are just beautiful. I would think they would sell well as postcards!!

  3. Great pics Mark. Sorry about your friend. It’s such an odd post with the great feelings you get from the diving pics, then the complete 180 with the news of your friend…

  4. I was thinking that there should have been two posts. I was going to change it but didn’t because I already had comments

  5. Mark, I’m so sorry to hear about your friend. How tragic. I lost one of my best friends, just 3 days older than me, when I was 18. Also in a car crash… It just seems so unimaginable when someone is that young. I do love your pictures. Awesome, as always.