I just finished a book, “Mr. Penumbra’s 24-Hour Bookstore“. I really really enjoyed it. One of my favorite reads ever.
I also immensly enjoyed “Ready Player One“, the book as well as the movie.
I recently finished Tau Zero, about a spaceship filled with 50 people that had damage to its decelleration equipment and kept accelerating and could not stop. Quite good. Also, I just finished Times Eye, Sunstorm and Firstborn, The Time Odyssey Trilogy by Arthur C Clarke. Really good, but I didn’t like the Arthur C Clarke movie, 2001, a Space Odyssey. (I never read the book, maybe I should.)
Don Quixote was intolerable. I choked my way through it for all the poor kids worldwide (maybe you) who were cruelly forced to read it. In hindsight, maybe it wasn’t that bad, but at the time, the ultra-long sentences and his idiotic behavior put me off.
Right now I’m reading “Hatchet” about a 13 year old boy, sole survivor of a small plane crash in the Canadian Woods. I think it’s a “Young Adults” book. It’s easy to read and good, I’m about a quarter way through. Some books, it’s hard for me to keep the characters sorted, but that’s not the case here!
So, what are some books you can recommend? Looking for ‘Excellents’ like Ready Player One and Mr Penumbras 24 Hour Bookstore. The Sci-fi’s mentioned above were good, but not ultra, grab-you by-the-throat excellent. But, I will probably try to read everything recommended by all of you, my bajillion-gazillion readers. Can’t tell if it’s good or not unless I read it.
A book that can make me laugh out loud is always good, BTW.
Yesterday was my 60th birthday. My wife made it very special. I told her “NO GIFTS!” and she got me like half a dozen. It was like Christmas morning. I will have my revenge.
And she got me a cake. Excellent cake.

Have a fantastic year! See ya tomorrow!
A friend of mine who follows your blog e-mailed me about your search for things to read. Your interests seem to be wide, so here are a few suggestions: (1) the Inspector Madden novels by Rennie Airth … start with “The Blood-Dimmed Tide;” (2) the Repairman Jack series by F. Paul Wilson; (3) “The Man with the Iron Heart,” by Harry Turtledove; (4) “Inferno,” by Larry Niven & Jerry Pournelle; and (5) any of the Florida novels by Carl Hiaasen for laugh-out-loud entertainment. I have bazillions of other suggestions if these aren’t enough … mostly mysteries, history, current events, and alternative history (Harry Turtledove).
Thanks! 21 Novels in the Repairman Jack series alone! I think I read all the Carl Hiaasens already, except there’s a brand new one out I think!
I’d recommend Fluke by Christopher Moore if you haven’t read it already. Funny and a great story.
Oh yes, I read that, but I’ll read it again for sure!