Hey Look! More than one picture at once!

There was a news article on the blogger dashboard page that said:

Blogger News

Blogger Images

We’ve just launched Blogger Images. So now you can include photos and images in your posts. Just click the new picture icon and you can upload an image from your computer or from the web. Try it out! Biz [6/24/2005 12:07:00 PM]

so I tried it and it worked! It took a couple of tries though.

one picture is a picture of a mango, the other is a picture of me, using a green laser pointer as a light source with a long shutter speed.
Uh, the top one is me, the bottom one is the mango..

0 thoughts on “Hey Look! More than one picture at once!

  1. Lol, good job you told us which was which, Mark!Well done :o)P.s. Would it be okay if I linked to you from my blog?