Yesterday was the first day of my 45th high school reunion. It was fun. Even Travlin’ Tim was reunited with an old classmate.
Yesterday I rode from St Louis to Moberly with two classmates, Sheryl and Chris, and then met up with a whole bunch of classmates, most of which I hadn’t seen in 46 years, 1977. (Although it was the 45th high school reunion I moved away in my junior year so for me it was the 46th year since I had seen my classmates)
Below are a few pictures, I’m not going type a lot about how much fun the day was.

Not to mention how nice it was to see Moberly again, my old house, my old elementary school, and the newspaper I delivered.

Today, half the class is playing golf and half (including me) are going on a tout of the high school.
Speaking of gold, below is an old newspaper photo in which I played golf. Can you spot me?

Have a great day!
Marvelous!!!! (You’re holding the trophy ) ☺️
Lol I didn’t see that everyone else was too!! You’ve got the shades on! ☺️
Great to hang out with you! I’m already missing everyone.
I went to almost all of my class reunions with the 55th reunion being the last one. Mobility issues prevent me from attending our 60th next year.
Wow, and 45 seems like an impossible amount.