Day of Firsts

First workday of 2024. First post of 2024

Pretty much everything I do today will be the first time this year.

I’m looking forward to 2024. I can’t ever remember looking forward to a new year. Fear of getting older I guess.. This year I’m looking forward to a year of continuing positive growth and increased helpfulness to others.

Have a great year. It’s going to be one!

Dec 7th

I was sleeping hard when the alarm went off this morning. Dreaming I was doing dangerous things. Like trying to drill moving parts. One dangerous thing after another. Not following safety rules. I wish I could remember, some were amusing.

Dec 7. Pearl Harbor. Manrique died.

High School Reunion

Yesterday was the first day of my 45th high school reunion. It was fun. Even Travlin’ Tim was reunited with an old classmate.

Yesterday I rode from St Louis to Moberly with two classmates, Sheryl and Chris, and then met up with a whole bunch of classmates, most of which I hadn’t seen in 46 years, 1977. (Although it was the 45th high school reunion I moved away in my junior year so for me it was the 46th year since I had seen my classmates)

Below are a few pictures, I’m not going type a lot about how much fun the day was.

Not to mention how nice it was to see Moberly again, my old house, my old elementary school, and the newspaper I delivered.

Today, half the class is playing golf and half (including me) are going on a tout of the high school.

Speaking of gold, below is an old newspaper photo in which I played golf. Can you spot me?

Have a great day!

Garmin Descent G1

I got it last week after my other new swim watch flooded. I think I went through 3 Samsung Active 2s and one Active 1

I love this Garmin so far. Swim-able fitness tracker, dive computer Basically, with the app, you can install almost any programs on the watch you want. No touchscreen, but after getting used to it, I’m not missing it.. AND! the Samsung’s screens would go dark while swimming, due to the alleger water lock mode, i can look and see how far I’ve swam whilst I’m swimming! Genius! So I can measure my distance live without waiting till I get back to the phone to see how far I swam!

Love it!

Today would have been my 14th wedding anniversary.

Have a good day!

Pineapple Pi Day

I have four pineapples growing in my yard. Below, you can see 3 of them.

Can you see all 3? They’re there!

Happy Pi day! 3.14. i got out of the Navy March 14 1985. Went in March 15 1979. Long time ago!

it rained last night! I was awake for my 2:30 insomnia session and it rained good for about 15 minutes. Puddles on the road this morning. The plants needed it a lot. Tap water just doesn’t do the trick like rain.

Have an excellent day!

Dec 7th

A day that will live in infamy.. Two years ago, Manrique, my father in law and best friend died. In my mind, this event, somehow was the catalyst that precipitated my divorce.

I’m not going to go into how I’m still fucked up from it.

In other news, my poor poor lemon tree is under attack again, this time by beautiful green caterpillars.

I plucked almost a dozen off the plant and flushed them down the toilet. Today comes the caterpillar killing spray.

ANd, today is my Friday and I’m glad about that

Weekend Fantastique!

I had a good weekend! Saturday I went out for breakfast and lunch. Did some yard work and gardening.The internet cable job is done. Finally.

Sunday I went diving and a remora tried to attach itself to me. Quite, no, extremely annoying. He finally attached to my fin and I left him there. Better my fin than my leg.

Here is a link to a short video of the remora on my fin. And below are some pictures.

Above is a picture of the beach in downtown George Town. I stopped by to look for some sea glass.

Last night I went to a presentation on Blackwater Diving. That’s diving in the open ocean at night. By open ocean, it was presented by Don Fosters I mean not on a reef, off a boat in a bottomless sea. I didn’t take pictures of their pictures, but I did see Jessika’s scuba instructor and took a selfie to send her.

Me and Nick at Don Fosters.

And, if I was still married, today would be my 13th wedding anniversary. She’s been gone almost a year.

And now itsa backa to-a work-a. That’s supposed to sound Italian.

Have a great week!