High School Reunion

Yesterday was the first day of my 45th high school reunion. It was fun. Even Travlin’ Tim was reunited with an old classmate.

Yesterday I rode from St Louis to Moberly with two classmates, Sheryl and Chris, and then met up with a whole bunch of classmates, most of which I hadn’t seen in 46 years, 1977. (Although it was the 45th high school reunion I moved away in my junior year so for me it was the 46th year since I had seen my classmates)

Below are a few pictures, I’m not going type a lot about how much fun the day was.

Not to mention how nice it was to see Moberly again, my old house, my old elementary school, and the newspaper I delivered.

Today, half the class is playing golf and half (including me) are going on a tout of the high school.

Speaking of gold, below is an old newspaper photo in which I played golf. Can you spot me?

Have a great day!

Costa Rican Coffee

My friends got back from Costa Rica and brought me coffee from my Tia Cynthia. I can’t wait to try it.

I feel nostalgic about the coffee, my friends visiting the familiar house of my Aunt. I wonder if I’ll ever be there again? The last time I was there, I never dreamed it would be the last time I’d be there.

Happy Thursday !

Groundhog Day

Happy Groundhog Day! Do we hope for an early spring with global warming going on?

Yesterday was a very rough day for me. I was lonely and missing my ex wife really badly. Nothing could have soothed me except her.

Unrelatedly, or coincidentally, on Groundhog Day, we always stayed home and watched the movie, Groundhog Day every year. It was a good tradition that I enjoyed very much.

But this is not a negative, sad post. I feel good and plan on having a good day and hope you do too!

Manrique In Heaven

One year ago today, Manrique died. I wanted to name this post “December 7th 2020, a day that will live in infamy”, but I did that last year.

I didn’t know if it then, but when did Manrique died, It was the beginning of the end of my world. It was the event that set my divorce in motion.

He was a really good friend, and friends are hard to come by for me this day and age. I knew he was sick, but I didn’t think he would die.

I’ll tell you what though, today’s not gonna be some miserable sad day of mourning. I’ve been miserable the past year, and I’m getting over it.


Same shot, different day

The 2 pictures above were taken in the same place. The sunshiney one was taken in 2005 and the one on the left with the clouds, was taken last weekend.

Here is cloudy and rainy and supposed to be that way most of this week. There’s some kind of upper level inverted stationary trough wave pressure front overhead or something.

Have a great day!

Another Picturesque Monday

It’s another Monday with another batch of weekend pictures. It was a nice weekend lengthened by the addition of 3 days vacation time. I went to an old beach near where I used to live and walked up to the old Homestead as near as I dared.

I lived in the center unit when hurricane Michelle put a wave through the whole place. It’s about 50 feet from the sea.

I went to the annual Recovery Month Festival at Pedro Saint James.

panorama view.
Pedro St. James’s Hurricane Ivan memorial.
And I took a picture of a tiny, tiny flower, half the size of a pencil eraser.

And now I’m headed back to work, and for some odd reason, I’m actually looking forward to it.

Have a wonderful Week!