Hot, Oh So HOT

Yesterday, after work, I finished up the edges of the back porch paint job, It was hot. I was kneeling beside the wall on the back porch where the floor meets the wall. The house was blocking any breeze and the afternoon sun was full strength. sweat was drip-drip-dripping. I got the job done though, all I have to do now is move all the stuff from the unpainted side to the painted side and paint. The painting that’s left (on the back porch) will be easy, stand-up painting with a roller on a broomstick.

Then I’ll start on the driveway, then the roof, then the rest of the house.

After I got done painting yesterday, I took a cold shower, then I mowed the yard. I planned on doing just the front, but I ended up doing the whole thing. Glad I got that done! The I took anoher shower, and made hamburgers on the grill.

Now, it’s off to work on a Wednesday.

Have a great day!