Hump Day

Over the workweek hump. We have a tropical depression that formed 200 or so miles SE of here. Let me tell you, it is raining raining raining and only supposed to get worse before getting better. Saturday is the Queens Birthday Parade and I hope it is nice by then. My boss is supposed to get a medal. Plus we broadcast it live, so wet or dry, I’ll be there.
Other than that, things are going good. I hope it is nice and sunny by the weekend so I can go diving. Although I do have a problem with my new rebreather electronics, one of the LEDs on the Heads Up Display (HUD) apparently burnt out. It is more of an inconvience more than anything though. The handset display is fine and the LED that isn’t working is the one that tells me everything is OK. If there is a problem, I’ll still instantly know about it.

0 thoughts on “Hump Day

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