I Slept!

Last night we went to bed about 9:30, I looked at the clock and thought “I’ll be up by 10:15”. But I didn’t wake up at all all night. Except once about 4 to go pee, I slept all night, and the wife beat me up and I didn’t hear or feel a thing. What woke me up was the dawgs, one on a foot and one on an elbow. I got up, jumped in the pool, walked the dogs and am now drinking a cuppa excellent coffee.

Today is The Wifes birthday! I got her a perfume and a Hello Kitty stuffed animal. Very dangerous for a dude to buy perfume.

After the past few days, I am pretty sure we need to move the dish to the other satellite. But no, the radio guy says he’s been talking to the satellite guy and the satellite guy says we should have a stronger signal than we did on the old satellite. I feel like saying show me the data. My data says the opposite. But I don’t want to get cocky. I’m still afraid that somehow I make a mistake and I’ll feel like a fool. SO I’ll be out there again today Trying to get a lock on that weak ass satellite. Really, I know nothing.

Wish me luck, and please go tell the Wife

4 thoughts on “I Slept!

  1. You sure you didn't get taken on buying that dish? Hummmmmmm…I'm glad to hear that you slept for a change! hurray!! Will tell wifey HB!! Have a good day sir Mark! …debbie

  2. Happy Birthday, Marks wife! A good night's rest can help to put the world to rights, can't it? What's dangerous about buying your wife perfume? I never buy the stuff, I let hubby surprise me – if I don't like it, he can always try again (grin).I really hope this satellite guy knows what he's talking about, and he can somehow magic it all right – unfortunately, I tend to believe YOU happen to know what you're talking about, and um, that ain't good, right?

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