If money can fix it, it ain't a problem

It’s Thursday. I couldn’t sleep last night. I was up at 1:30, 3:15 and 5:00. I feel OK now but we’ll see how the day goes.
Yesterday I bought a new sound board for my laptop. During the Radio Camp I had some problems because I needed to record line level stuff and all I had was a mic input. It didn’t work too well. I installed the soundcard and had it working fine, but then I decided I didn’t like the software that it came with and wanted to use my software.
Then I ran into troubles. I uninstalled the software and then the computer wouldn’t recognize the device. I ended up doing a system restore from yesterday and installed just the drivers and now all is well. Computer-wise.
Now the stupid part. I had a dive watch that was giving me a lot of problems. I kept taking it back and all the salespersons could see it was screwed up-but at the repair place it worked perfectly. Yesterday the dive shop (almost next door to the computer store) offered me a different, newer watch at about 1/3 its price. So I took it. Then I started worrying. I came home and checked my bank balances and money-wise I’m pretty strapped – again.
I got a Suunto D9
Payday is a long way away.

0 thoughts on “If money can fix it, it ain't a problem

  1. People who live within their means suffer from a lack of imagination.It’s not like you bought a watch you’ll never use. As long as you aren’t starving you’ll be fine. And if you do get hungry…send out an SOS. I know of at least 6 or 7 women who post regularly on your site that would probably be willing to help you out.

  2. well what about the stuff that money can’t fix? .. a big big problem in hand mate .. what soundcard did you get?the software perhaps doesn’t recognize your device .. install the software (without drivers) .. and use the feature it offers like recording and what not. I use Cool Edit Pro for sound editing and tweaking. It’s used on a professional level.