I'm baaack!

I’m back and batting 1000. I went across the street and had a swim, cuppa coffee #2 is brewing. I am awake and alive!
Pretty sick, isn’t it? I’ve made two posts on my blog and haven’t even checked my email.
I really need to get a life!

0 thoughts on “I'm baaack!

  1. And to think you have done all of this before 8am. I’m jealous! It’s 10am here and I am still in my pjs working on coffee #2. I am sorely lacking in energy and ambition.

  2. Yeah I would love to be able to do that. For me it’s a matter of getting in the car and driving 15 minutes to the nearest pool, or driving an hour to the nearest lake, or 13 hours to the nearest ocean…

  3. Not only that, I can do a deep trimix dive from shore! No long boat trips out just to get deep enough! From the first time I lived near the sea, I swore I always would live near it, and I always have ever since.